One man cannot be singled out as the founder of Mosaic Lodge, but formation of an Ancient York Rite Lodge in North West Calgary was a project dear to the hearts of two men:
Worshipful Brother H.D. Fawcett, a Past Master of Canada Lodge, and Worshipful Brother T.A. Pruett, a Past Master of King Solomon Lodge.
Their enthusiasm fired others to great heights of ambition and they were ably assisted by R.W. Bro. J.H. Jordan, W. Bro. P. Patrick, Brothers A.P. Newall, D.R. Duncan, J.D. Eckford and R.W. Bro. E.H. Rivers, Grand Secretary.
On January 27th, 1957, a meeting was held in Crescent Heights Masonic Hall and a Petition for Dispensation bearing the signatures of forty-four Master Masons was prepared and forwarded to Grand Lodge.
At a meeting held on April 7th, 1957, in the Crescent Heights Masonic Hall several names for the fledgling Lodge were submitted and after a ballot of the attending Brothers, “MOSAIC” was chosen as the most appropriate name.
The majority of the members of Mosaic Lodge would be bankers – and would become known for ‘Bankers Night’ when they performed as a degree team.